
GPUPI FOR CPU V.3.3 - 100M


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* About GPUPI for CPU v.3.3 - 100M

Benchmark Software added on: Thursday, 01 January 1970 07:00:00 (Asia/Jakarta) GMT+0700

GPUPI calculates the mathematical constant Pi in parallel by using the BPP formula and optimizing it for OpenCL capable devices like graphics cards and main processors. It's implemented with C++, STL and pure Win32 to avoid unnecessary dependencies. The result of the benchmark are exactly nine digits of pi in hexadecimal. So if you're calculating pi in 1B (1 billion) it will not output all digits like available serial calculations of Pi, but display only the nine digits after the billionth hexadecimal digit. This limitation is due to the nature of parallel implementations and the used Pi formula.

Source: Overclockers.at

Benchmark GPUPI for CPU v.3.3 - 100M Ranking

Hardware Submissions from GPUPI for CPU v.3.3 - 100M Score Unit
Intel Core i5 1135G7 15sec 271ms
Intel Core i7 720QM 1min 25sec 91ms
Intel Core i5 6300U 1min 2sec 869ms