
Submissions Detail

3DMark - Ice Storm score 36177 marks with a HD Graphics 520 (Mobile)

Submit Notes *

Submit Date: Tuesday, 24 October 2023 16:16:11 (Asia/Jakarta) GMT+0700

HD Graphics 520 (Mobile) Notes *

Hardware added on: Thursday, 10 August 2023 10:15:16 (Asia/Jakarta) GMT+0700

3DMark - Ice Storm Notes *

Benchmark Software added on: Thursday, 10 August 2023 10:15:16 (Asia/Jakarta) GMT+0700

For basic smartphones and tablets

Use Ice Storm to compare smartphones, tablets and ultra-portable notebooks. You can compare Ice Storm scores from Windows, Android and iOS devices. Ice Storm is a DirectX 11 feature level 9 test.

source: 3DMARK

Hardware Detail

Hardware Usage Specs
Intel HD Graphics 520 (Mobile) Architecture : Skylake
Codename : Skylake GT2
Chip : -
Core : 24
Memory : SHARED
Bus Width : 64 bit
Core Clock : 300MHz - 1000MHz
Memory Clock : 1067MHz
TDP : -
Technology : 14nm
Bus Interface : IGPU
See more specification

Software Detail

Software Usage Score
3DMark - Ice Storm 36177 marks

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