
Submissions Detail

PYPrime - 2B with BenchMate score 14sec 377ms with a LPDDR5

Submit Notes *

Submit Date: Tuesday, 24 October 2023 16:44:50 (Asia/Jakarta) GMT+0700

LPDDR5 Notes *

Hardware added on: Tuesday, 15 August 2023 13:16:48 (Asia/Jakarta) GMT+0700

PYPrime - 2B with BenchMate Notes *

Benchmark Software added on: Tuesday, 15 August 2023 13:16:48 (Asia/Jakarta) GMT+0700

Hardware Detail

Hardware Usage Specs
unknown LPDDR5 RAM Total Capacity : 8GB
Brand : Micron
Frequency : -
Configure : -
Form Factor : -
Timing : CL52.0-44-44-104 1T

Software Detail

Software Usage Score
PYPrime - 2B with BenchMate 14sec 377ms

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